Leg 3: Deep Water Bay to Hardwicke Island (June 3)

Navigator: Bryan Fulton
Course length: 24.5 Nautical Miles (Full) / 20.1 NM (Shortened Course)
Start Time: 0800 Hrs.

Start is 12 NM North of Campbell River in Deepwater Bay. Line is between orange VanIsle360 Flag on committee boat and a white triangle marker on shore at Separation Head.

Caution: Slack tide at the Seymour Narrows looks to be 0525. We will have to motor there and go through with lots of other boats.

Start Line: Between the committee’s orange inflatable buoy on shore, approx. 100 meters NNE of the Telegraph Cove entrance, and an orange Van Isle 360 flag on a pin boat off Ella Point. clip_image002
Section 1: From the start head north 10 NM towards Chatham Point. At the green flashing light, hard left up Johnstone Straight.
Section 2: Approximately 12NM later, enter the traffic separation zone and bare right towards the finish.

Finish: The finish is between the orange VanIsle360 flag on the committee boat at Eden Point and the green beacon FI G 4s 4m on Sovereign Rock.

Alt Finish: On a line formed by the magnetic bearing 180 degrees to the lat/long on Kaikash Creek. clip_image006

Tides and Currents for day[s] of race:

Seymour Narrows

Date Turn time                                   Max time                              kts

3 4:25 AM 7:57 AM -11.5
3 10:56 AM 2:12 PM 13.9
Johnstone Straight


Date Turn time Max time kts

3 7:25 AM -1.4
3 12:08 PM 1:49 PM 0.5
3 3:36 PM 7:40 PM -1.0

Time (PDT) Height (ft)

2:31 16.4

9:28 1.0

15:55 13.8

21:13 6.2

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